INCLUDED IS: VISUAL STYLE FOR WIN7 - explorerframe.dll for 32-bit - explorer.exe for 32-bit top and bottom taskbar - i included the bitmaps if anybody wants t make 64-bit files, if you do so, please let me know that i can include them in the pack
DOCK BACKGROUND i use objectbar but i think it works with other docks too, but i am not sure
FOOBAR i still use 0.9.6, so i don´t know if it works with 1.x i included my components. i do not really know how to center the buttons (play, nexr, prev) so the skin just looks good in a special size.
installation: copy the components to your foobar components folder, copy the folder "snap" in your foobar directory and import the "snap.fcl"
--------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATIOn FOR THE VISUAL STYLE --------------------------------------------------------------- Copy the snap7.theme and snap7 folder in your x:\Windows\Resources\Themes folder.
For the StartButton you have to replace Explorer.exe in your Windows directory. for the navigation buttons you have to replace your explorerframe.dll ind youre Windows\system32 directory