Windows 7 Black Transparent ClsSharp Theme.
It´s a combination of my previous Windows 7 Black Transparent and ClearScreen Sharp theme by *K-Johnson .
Changes: - taskbar, thumbanails preview windows and start menu panel are from ClearScreen theme. Also basic (non-aero) windows are from ClearScreen - color changes in thumbanails preview windows and background - changed opacity of taskbar - little color changes of round corners and aero windows borders, now looks nicer - other changes (size icon fonts, height caption windows, width of scrollbar etc.)
!!! To use this theme, you need apply HideBlur tweak to disable blur for windows frames by editing Windows registry and use uxtheme patch. !!!
1.) Run "UniversalThemePatcher-x86.exe" as Administrator and patch system files. Reboot system. 2.) In Windows 7 build 7600 Hideblur is not working. You have to copy the two files "DWM.exe" and "uDWM.dll" from folder "system files" included in download into c:\windows\system32\ folder and replace original files. Reboot again. 3.) Double click on "Turn Off Blur.reg" (in "hideblur" folder) to disable blur effect. 4.) Restart DWM by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F9 twice. Or run "cmd" as administrator, type "net stop uxsms" without quotes, press Enter and then type "net start uxsms" and press Enter. 5.) Copy files from theme folder to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes 6.) Right click on desktop -> Personalize...there you should see in "Installed Themes " Windows7 Black Transparent ClsSharp. Click on it to apply theme.