Microvideosoft Video Converter -
конвертер видео, который поддерживает преобразование многих видео
форматов: MP4, 3GP, AAC, AC3. MP2, MP3, MOV, MPEG, RM, WAV, SWF и т.д. К
тому же, Video Converter Professional позволяет регулировать параметры
звукового/видео кодер-декодера. Им же Вы можете также извлечь и
преобразовать аудио из видео файла.
Main Features:
- Convert between all popular video formats including MP4, 3GP, AAC, AC3. MP2, MP3, MOV, MPEG, RM, WAV, SWF, etc.
- It allows adjusting parameters of audio/video codec.
- You can extract and convert the audio from a video file.
- It can split videos into desired size.
Video Converter Professional
is powerful video software that supports conversion of many video
formats: MP4, 3GP, AAC, AC3. MP2, MP3, MOV, MPEG, RM, WAV, SWF, etc. The
converted files can be played on your iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Google
Android, Mobile MP4, Sony PS3, PSP, Sony WalkMan and other digital
multimedia devices. What’s more, Video Converter Professional allows
adjusting parameters of audio/video codec. With it, you can also extract
and convert the audio from a video file.