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Скачать - AVG Internet Security | Anti-Virus Free 2011 v10.0.1136
12.10.2010, 16:25:01

AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition - качественный и бесплатный антивирус. Несмотря на свою бесплатность, AVG Free Edition обладает наличием всех необходимых функций для защиты компьютера от вирусов.Антивирус включает в себя следующие компоненты: сканер, монитор, сканер электронной почты, систему автоматического обновления антивирусной базы через интернет.

Программа может как находить, так и лечить заражённые вирусами файлы. Для безопасного хранения и лечения заражённых файлов в этой антивирусной программе реализована функция Вирусного хранилища, в котором и происходят все операции с зараженными вирусами файлами. Этот антивирус умеет совместно работать с файрволлами сторонних производителей (поддерживается работа с Kerio Personal, Zone Alarm Pro и файрволлом, встроенным в Windows), что позволяет надёжно защитить компьютер от различных интернет-угроз и вирусных атак.

Highlights include:

  • Surf, and search with confidence, while LinkScanner® keeps you safe from harmful sites
  • Get online and offline protection from viruses, spyware, and other nasties
  • Enjoy consistently high-speed PC performance with our new enhanced virus scanner
  • Automatic updates keep your protection current
  • Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7

Protection against identity theft
AVG’s unique Identity Protection technology ensures that when you shop and bank online, your bank account information, passwords, and other important personally-identifiable information can’t be stolen. As a bonus, Identity Protection also keeps you safe against new and unknown threats before they can cause harm.

Protection from hackers
AVG’s enhanced firewall keeps hackers’ prying eyes out of your private business. These remote trespassers can view or steal information, take control of your computer for nefarious purposes like botnets and spamming. It even includes a game mode to keep you protected without interrupting your play.

Protection against spammers and scammers
AVG’s anti-spam protection makes sure your email inbox is kept clear of unwanted junk mail, offers for products you don’t want or need, and solicitations from scammy marketers looking to separate you from your money.

Protection for instant messaging, downloads, and social networking
AVG’s Web Shield is on constant guard, making sure any files you exchange using MSN or ICQ instant messaging, download, or share with friends in your social networks are safe from viruses, spyware, and other nasties.

Protection against sophisticated rootkits
While AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition can detect a few rootkits, most of these threats are so complex and sophisticated that powerful tools are needed to root them out from deep inside your PC.


  • LinkScanner Active Surf-Shield. Ensures every web page you visit is safe – even before you go there.
  • LinkScanner Search-Shield. Applies safety ratings to your Google, MSN and Yahoo search results.
  • Phishing Protection. Checks to make sure web pages really are what they appear to be.
  • E-mail Scanner. Keeps you safe from dangerous attachments and links in your e-mail.
  • Anti-Virus. Makes sure you can’t get or spread a virus, worm, or Trojan horse.
  • Anti-Spyware. Prevents unauthorized information access by spyware and adware.
  • Basic Anti-Rootkit protection. Ensures basic protection against sophisticated hidden threats.
  • Update Manager. Makes sure you’re always safe from the latest threats – automatically.

Скачать программу AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011 v10.0.1136 x86 (135,76 МБ):

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Скачать программу AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011 v10.0.1136 x64 (154,52 МБ):

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Скачать программу AVG Internet Security 2011 v10.0.1136 x86 (151,86 МБ):

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Скачать программу AVG Internet Security 2011 v10.0.1136 x64 (173,27 МБ):

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